Maggie McKenzie, celebrating 20 Years with Fusion
Everyone at Fusion would like to say a big congratulations to Maggie McKenzie for completing 20 years’ service with the business on the 21st October 2022. 21-10-2022
Maggie joined Fusion on the 21st October 2002 as a General Operative working in our Fusamatic Manufacturing site. Whilst working for the business, Maggie has held numerous roles including Packer, Quality Inspector and a back up for the Process Capability Technician role. Maggie also covered maternity leave in the Quality office before being seconded to the technical department where she held a few different roles.
Maggie then moved into the Quality / Compliance team and has recently been promoted from QMS (Quality Management System) Technician to QMS Manager, which is her current role. Within this role, no two days are ever the same and as much as she tries to plan her day out there will regularly be issues that pop up and change the plans. This role has been pivotal in the success Fusion Group has had with its numerous recent audits.
“During my time at Fusion I have had the opportunity to work as part of some great teams, and I have a lot of memories because of the people in them. I have also had the opportunity to travel to Sicily & Turkey to visit customers. Both were great experiences and I met some lovely people; it was also interesting to see how other businesses in the same industry worked across Europe. Most importantly, I also met my partner Paul at Fusion and we now have two beautiful children together.”
Maggie is an important member of the Fusion Group Charity Committee, who organise events to raise money for numerous local and national charities.
“The 40th & 50th celebrations were great to be a part of in addition to the many events held by the charity committee. Being a member of the committee is really rewarding. We have helped so many people with the funds we have raised.”
Maggie has seen lots of changes over the last 20 years including changes from staff, customer requirements and system changes. Most recently the implementation of D365 which has been a huge project, particularly having been started during the Covid pandemic. On what advice Maggie would give to someone who is thinking about joining Fusion,
“If you come with an open mind, are willing to learn & be a productive member of the team, you will fit right in.”
‘Hardworking, Independent and Protective’ are the three words that describe her best according to Maggie, although she believes this could change depending on who is asked! When she isn’t at work, Maggie enjoys spending time with her family. Her family are also her biggest inspiration.
“Since becoming a mum so many people inspire me with the daily demands, struggles you see them face but still carry on. I don’t think you really realise just how much your parents did while you were growing up. Both my parents were hard working & if I have a fraction of their work ethic and family commitment, I don’t think I can go far wrong.”
“I would like to acknowledge all the individuals both past and present who have made these 20 years eventful and enjoyable.”
Working for the same employer for 20 years is a brilliant achievement! All at Fusion would like to say congratulations and well done to Maggie for her service.
Below are some photos of Maggie and her colleagues over the years. You can view our other news articles here.