Seow Kok Hooi AWT Fusion Malaysia delivers presentation to Myanmar Engineering Society


Fusion Malaysia helping the drive towards advance water engineering in developing countries

In August, Fusion Malaysia as acknowledged pioneers and market-leaders in PE jointing technology were invited to present ‘Electrofusion and Butt Fusion Jointing Process for PE Pipes Application’ at a seminar orgnised by the Myanmar Engineering Society.

The seminar, entitled ‘Advanced Water Engineering Application for Developing Countries’ was held in Yangon, the largest city in Myanmar, and incorporated over 350 participants comprising of engineers and consultants from across Myanmar.

The seminar was followed by a special interest group session in which Fusion Malaysia conducted ‘hands-on’ training and demonstrations in the features and benefits of using Fusamatic automatic pin technology.

At the seminar opening ceremony, Prof. Engr. Dr. Kyaw Kyaw Moe, Secretary General of the Federation of Myanmar Engineering Societies highlighted the importance and gradual increase of PE pipes in the design of piping for both public/industrial water supply and sewerage transport in Myanmar and the ability to join PE pipes as a major factor in high reliability leak free water supply systems.

Seow Kok Hooi, Regional Director for Fusion Malaysia said;

‘Fusion Malaysia was pleased to be able to provide a high level presentation and hands-on session at the Myanmar Engineering Society seminar.  The event was a thought-provoking session for engineers and local water resource professionals and enabled them to discuss challenging issues in water resource management and latest technology on PE pipes applications in Myanmar’.

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Seow Kok Hooi of AWT Fusion Malaysia delivers hands on training and demonstrations to Myanmar Engineering Society
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