
AVK Fusion Indonesia initiate Nusantara Tour

AVK Fusion Indonesia recently initiated the first event of the ’Archipelago Tour of AVK Fusion Indonesia’ entitled ‘AVK Fusion Nusantara Tour’.

Together with PT Invaltech System Indonesia (authorised distributor for the Greater Jakarta area), AVK Fusion Indonesia visited PT Sauh Bahtera Samudra, a company engaged in the field of Refined / Clean Water for Industrial Purposes.

The Introduction of the campaign was highlighted at the AVK Fusion Indonesia Distributor Conference in December 2019, with the launch of 2 show buses, showcasing the product range and offering education, training, technology and solutions.  Running from January to December 2020, teams from AVK Fusion Indonesia will visit more than 400 local water companies (PDAM’s) across the archipelago of Indonesia.

The first event, held at PT Sauh Bahtera Samudra, was opened by President Director of AVK Fusion Indonesia, Mr. Gert Borrits, followed by presentations on AVK Group, AVK Water and Wastewater, and Fusion Group Global PE Network Solutions.  The session then allowed for an open forum for discussion about products and solutions offered by AVK Fusion Indonesia in relation to obstacles faced by PT Sauh Bahtera Samudra.

Participants were then were invited to see the dedicated show buses which are equipped with AVK and Fusion products.  In order to provide a full ‘customer experience’ the participants were involved in interactive demonstrations which allowed them to ‘see, touch and explore’ the products and solutions first hand.

Bpk. Agus Julistijono, Maintenance Manager of PT Sauh Bahtera Samudra (AVK Fusion Indonesia’s authorised distributor for the Greater Jakarta area) said,

“This campaign is very good because there are no companies that bring buses to the customer for displays and demos; both of these buses can describe clearly the solutions offered by AVK Fusion with the focus on the ‘solutions, not only products’ approach”

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AVK Fusion Indonesia launch ‘Archipelago Tour of Indonesia’

AVK Fusion Indonesia recently inaugurated their latest campaign entitled “Archipelago Tour of AVK Fusion Indonesia”.
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AVK Fusion Indonesia continue Nusantara tour at PDAM Way Rilau Lampung

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