Fusion Group Solutions

Solutions, not just products

Our commitment to you.

Working with customers to address their problems and challenges, means finding solutions. Such solutions could involve identifying the best product or combination of products for a job; combining products and services (see Fusion Assist); or, using data to deliver a more efficient solution.

Fusion’s solutions approach works across six different dimensions with solutions at the centre;

  • Choice
  • Complexity
  • Expertise
  • Context
  • Benefits
  • Support

Choice – There are often several different ways to deliver a similar outcome, or overcome a challenge. Our role is to work with the customer to ensure the ‘solution’ is the optimal choice.

Complexity – Often the challenges faced are complex. Fusion has the experience and knowledge to help the customer to find a solution to complex challenges.

Expertise – Fusion’s credibility to deliver solutions is based on our engineering expertise; the collective, accumulated experience of the Fusion team.

Context – The locations and legacy infrastructure within which Fusion delivers solutions are incredibly varied, adding to both complexity and choice. Fusion’s expertise and experience enables us to understand the context in which the product, combination of products or services operate and, therefore, to propose the correct ‘solution’.

Benefits – Fusion works with customers to find solutions that deliver measurable benefits. These benefits could be financial e.g. lifetime cost savings, operational e.g. asset performance, and psychological e.g. the reassurance that the customer has chosen the best solution for the challenge.

Support – Fusion enhances the value of the solutions it provides by providing support across the lifetime of that solution.

More information on the other 7 promises are available here.