Yorkshire Gas Association visit Fusion Group Fusamatic Manufacturing


Yorkshire Gas Association Technical Site Visit

‘Quality in every step’ - Yorkshire Gas Association Technical Site Visit – Wednesday 12th February 2020

On Wednesday 12th February 2020, members of the Yorkshire Gas Association hosted their full technical event at Fusion Group Limited, Peak Pipe Systems Limited and Control Point Limited.

The day was held to educate and inform key people working within the gas industry on the manufacturing, testing and quality assurance measures which are conducted by three key suppliers into the gas industry.

The visit consisted of high profile presentations and site tours with the opportunity to see up-close, the complete supply chain management process of polyethylene; from raw material to finished pipe and fittings, encompassing manufacturing, testing and inspection, quality and logistics.

Delegates from Cadent Gas, AMEON Utilities, National Grid, PE Weldright, AVK UK and Energy Assets were in attendance.

John Holroyd-Doveton (Honorary Secretary of the Yorkshire Gas Association gave the following statement following the Fusion Group element of the tour;
‘Many thanks to the Fusion Group for giving our members the opportunity to see for themselves the Company’s extensive and world class manufacturing, test and inspection facilities. I was personally impressed with the level of investment being made on the manufacturing side through the ever increasing use of automation and robotics. Also the testing and inspection regime that exists from the delivery of the raw material through to temperature, hydrostatic and destructive testing of the finished product was truly impressive.  A really interesting and informative experience. Thanks again’
Yorkshire Gas Association visits Fusion Group Manufacturing and Test Facilities
Yorkshire Gas Association visit Peak Pipe Systems
Yorkshire Gas Association visit ControlPoint